Hello my family. It was good to read your emails, it will be GREAT to see you! :D
to hear Dad, that the ice fishing went well, and that BYU football
isn't a totally lost cause. To reply to your question last week, I weigh
about 87 or 85 kilos. Depends on the day, I guess. Either way, I gained
a bit of weight back, and now I think I'm leveled off for a while.
week has been a good one. We taught eleven investigator lessons this
week, and fixed another baptism. Most missionaries talk about the work
slowing down during Christmas, but it hasn't slowed down in our sector.
This week started off well, with the
good P-day, and with some meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday. We have
been working on the January, and February transfers already, and that
has been good. I really like being able to work with President, and
during the long meetings with him, we get to learn from him, and learn
about how to be a good leader. He says that the ability of a person to
lead, is determined or tied to the number of decisions he or she has
already made. If you can't think, and make your own decisions, you will
only be relaying instead of leading. I've thought a lot about that.
week, we went to the airport to pick up an elder who just got back from
his mission in Australia, and at the same time, an elder who'll be
awaiting his visa to serve in Brisbane. It's fun to meet the new
missionaries, and to see them at the same time as those who finish. A
lot of growth and change happens on the mission.
One neat
experience has happened in re-finding an old investigator I taught at
Heiri. I remember telling you all about how deeply I wished that she
could change and that she'd feel the love that Heavenly father has for
her. She had a really rough go, and she has been in and out of
addictions, and pregnancies. Then about a year later (a week ago) she
came to church in our ward! She moved in with her sister in law (member
of our ward) and she decided to take the lessons again. Wow. It has been
a special chance (that not too many people get) to teach her again. I
remember teaching her during my training, and now realizing some of the
errors I might have made, and being happy that I am a better teacher
now. I remember that in Faaa, she could barely understand me, but now
she hasn't had a problem. It has really been a special experience, and I
hope that this time, she will start living the gospel more.
this week, elder White and I had some hard news from one of our
friends. A small boy died, who was the son of his co-worker and buddy.
It was a really tragic event for him, and now we are trying to help them
be ok during this really rough time in their life. I remember when
dad's coworker's son passed away from a bacterial infection, and now
seeing another young parent lose his young son, I see more of the real
impact. Being a little-er guy at the time, I don't think I comprehended
the gravity of that type of a loss. It is something nobody deserves to
go through. All we can do, is help them get tied back to God, and find
the love and security that is available through Him. RE-LIGION means
getting re-attached or tied to God. Elder Neilsen told us about that in
conference a year a go I think. True religion (or true uniting of others
back to God) consists of visiting the needy, or the widows (James
chapter 1 or 2), and crying or morning with those that mourn (according
to Mosiah) . I felt that part of discipleship this week. I really am
thankful for God, and I really am glad to be able to be one of his
servants. An instrument, for re- ligature; so to speak.
that is the summary of the week. Things are going so fast, and I feel
like I am never gonna get to all the things on my to-do list. The small
one in the planner (10 blanks) fills up so fast! :P Just know that I am
doing well, and that I LOVE YOU!
Thank you for all your support, and love, and everything. By the way, my IDL made it!
Have a good week, and say hi to Grandma and Grandpa for me!
Elder White and Pineaple from Rurutu :) Our Investigator taught us how to cut pineaple |
Our Ami, and Lobster and Mahimahi Head
The fish was HUGE! But it was a female, and much much smaller that the big ones that others catch.
is of of the best fish ever. The taste is really rich, and it is a
fatty fish.
We only saw it after it'd been cut into three, and we had
some of it fried. Good stuff ;D
The Zone of Papeete at Sr. Naylor's Goodbye Testimony Meeting |
Me and Our Investigator's Cousin |